Tuesday, May 17, 2011


petrol is a type of fuel which is needed for the different purpose.As it is used for a different purpose,there is a scarcity of petrol.Nowadays people are becoming so crazy of  using vehicle but as petrol is non renewable source of energy so it's scarcity has create a great problem in the world.If we see in the context of Nepal  there is great scarcity of petrol.As petroleum source is not available in Nepal so this country have to buy petrol from it's neighboring country India.Due to this reason the price of petrol is increasing day by day.People are also not getting petrol by paying the increased amount.They have to stand in the Que for a long time for getting petrol.Sometimes they do not get petrol although they stand on Que.This problem is increasing day by day but the government has not take any action on it.So people of Nepal are facing the problem of petrol.

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